Buy me a cup of coffee
A ridiculous amount of coffee was consumed in the process of creating custom content for The Sims 4. Add some fuel if you'd like to keep me going!
I’m one of those weirdos who likes to use PC to use Instagram. And recently I found out this new Chrome trick how to upload photos straight to Instagram from my computer and I’m going to show you as well. First, sign in to your Instagram account from your PC. Now, right-click on the page […]
I thought I’d do a simple „how to“ post about mods and custom content(CC) in the Sims 4 game. Downloaded Custom Content(CC) goes to a folder called Mods (location: (My) Documents/Electronic Arts/The Sims 4/Mods) Inside the “Mods” folder you will find the .cfg file. This file enables CC in your game.