I thought I’d do a simple „how to“ post about mods and custom content(CC) in the Sims 4 game.

  1. Downloaded Custom Content(CC) goes to a folder called Mods (location: (My) Documents/Electronic Arts/The Sims 4/Mods)
  2. Inside the “Mods” folder you will find the .cfg file. This file enables CC in your game.

So, let’s do it step-by-step:

  • Websites you’ll find some great Custom Content:

The most reliable one is thesimsresource.com 
My favorite one is sssvitlans.tumblr.com/sims4cc (here you’ll find everything you could possibly need)

Some CC requires an original mesh and the edits for it to show. So always read all the info about the CC you’re about to download.

When downloaded content is in .package form, simply place them into the Mods folder and you are good to go.
Sometimes CC comes in a .zip or .RAR file. These types of files must be opened using a data compression utility. I use 7-Zip for that(7-zip.org). How to use 7-Zip. 

  • When everything’s placed into mods folder it’s time to open the game:

We have to enable CC/Mods in The Sims 4 game options. Go to Game Options > Other > Enable Custom Content and Mods.

  • Restart your game.


* if your game doesn’t work it’s probably because you’ve downloaded some bad CC. In that case, you have to delete that bad file. Windows users can use this amazing tool called ModConflictDetector. 
If you have any problems just let me know and I will do my best to help you.

Author Katverse
Categories Tutorial