I always get questions about how I get my sim pictures in so high resolution as in high quality, so I thought I would just do a little post about it.
I saw Jillie tweeting about this video made by foursims .. and in this video, she uses a program called SRWE. And this tool has been a humongous help for me. And it works both in CAS and in game. When you appreciate great quality sim photos, you need this tool in your life.
Just don’t go overboard with the screen resolutions, or your PC will pass out.
I usually take my screenshots in 4K(3840 x 2160).
*Simple Runtime Window Editor (SRWE) – a program that allows you to pick a running application and manipulate size, position, styles of its main/child windows.
Bonus tip: Using Reshade helps a lot too. Here are my favorite presets: click
*UPDATE: A simmer going by simagnitive has made a very in-depth video using this program, check it out: here