A lot of simmers play with custom content in their game. And if you’re a beginner, it can get confusing where to find great pieces of custom content. Here I’ve listed some really great places to check out. I’m sure you will love these.

The Sims Resource

The Sims Resource is the oldest and most likely the largest website that offers thousands of free custom content choices for your Sims games.
This website has everything: hair, makeup, clothing, furniture, shoes, skins, accessories, mods, etc.
All their CC is free but you do have to wait for the ads countdown to finish before you can download. They do offer a VIP membership I highly recommend getting it if you love downloading a lot of CC. With VIP membership it allows you to skip the countdown and download straight from the site with one click. Read more about their membership perks here: click

SimsDomination aka SimsDom

SimsDom is essentially a CC finds website. They post links to custom content creator’s sites. There you can find every kind of CC or mod you can think of: hair, makeup, clothing, furniture, shoes, skins, accessories, mods, etc.
SimsDom also has a Premium Membership, with which you can skip ads. You can read more about it here: click

Sims 4 Updates

Similar to SimsDom, they too post CC finds to their website but without ads countdown.
Again, you can find so many great finds from their website: hair, makeup, clothing, furniture, shoes, skins, accessories, mods, etc.

The Sims Catalog

This website also has linked tons of great custom content for you, for free.
The Sims Catalog also has everything you would need: hair, makeup, clothing, furniture, shoes, skins, accessories, mods, etc.


Mod The Sims

This website provides free content downloads, tutorials, and mod discussions. Personally, I think this website is best for scripted mods, like Wonderful Whims mod, more CAS traits, and so on. But they do have other CC as well, such as furniture, clothes, hair, makeup, tattoos, etc.

Maxis Match CC World

This website is best for simmers who like the look of Maxis Match CC (cartoony original game look). This site reblogs every Maxis Match CC there is: hair, makeup, clothing, furniture, shoes, skins, accessories, mods, etc.


I know this website technically isn’t a Sims website but you can find really amazing finds from that site. Just write in the search bar what you’re looking for and you’ll see.

Author Katverse
Categories Tutorial