I like using cheat codes. I live for the modtherlode (money) code. 😅
And to take a perfect Instagram pic I need quite few of them. So here we go…

  • headlineeffects off

This code is the first I type in. This removes the green plumbob and other bubbles from Sim’s head so I can take some beautiful and realistic screenshots.

  • testingcheats true

So I could control my Sims needs.

  • bb.moveobjects

This let’s me put objects/furniture wherever I want.

  • cas.fulleditmode

With this code I can edit my Sim mid game (I can change traits, clothes, physical appearance etc).

  • bb.showhiddenobjects

I love hidden/invisible lights so that’s why I use this cheat. I hate using ceiling lights because they get on my way and I don’t like how they look in my game so invisible lights are my friends.

I think that is everything. Of course I sometimes use some other cheats but these are my most used ones for sure.
The full list of The Sims 4 cheats is here: http://sims-online.com/sims-4-game-info/sims-4-game-cheats-codes/
Happy Simming!
Kat ♡

Author Katverse
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