All I’ve been doing lately is scrolling on Instagram watching interior design accounts and that has inspired me to spend more time in build mode. So, I’ve been on a hunt for some great custom content for building and furnishing my houses.
I thought I’d share my favorite creators with you too! These are mostly for Alpha(realistic) CC users.
Probably the most well-known build and furniture creator in our community. His creations are great for maxis match players and alpha players. I probably have downloaded everything on his page.
Peacemaker’s CC: click
This creator has retired but he left behind such a huge collection of amazing realistic style custom content. You can find everything you need just from this creator.
Mxims’s CC: click
I recently downloaded all their custom content and there’s a lot! They make custom content for CAS CC as well, such as hairs and clothing items but I personally just love their furniture and clutter.
Leosims’s CC: click
This creator has a big selection of… well, everything! I really like their style of CC. I’ve found a lot of boho-like CC from their selection. And I love me some boho.
Severinka_’s CC: click
Around the Sims 4
The queen/king? of clutter! They create furniture too, awesome ones too, but I mostly like their clutter objects.
Around the Sims 4’s CC: click
For walls and floors, I recommend this creator. The selection is amazing and they look so realistic which I love. They have a lot of conversions and recolors as well. I have A LOT of CC downloaded from their site.
Mio-sims’s CC: click
I have all their walls and floors. If you like realistic style, you need their walls and floors as well.
Pralinesims’s CC: click
Also a creator that has everything. The CC is very realistic looking and the selection is big!
SIMcredible!’s CC: click
I’ve downloaded everything from their site. Just sayin. They have beautiful furniture.
Wondymoon’s CC: click
From their page you’ll find furniture for every room. Their content is very modern-looking I would say.
Jomsims’s CC: click
Another clutter queen! You’ll find a lot of decorative objects from their page. Toys, figurines, and just everyday clutter.
Jennisims’s CC: click
The details of their creations are amazing. You’ll find great furniture and clutter form their site. Such a big selection too!
Novvvas’s CC: click
I have so many items from this creator. Some floors, furniture, clutter. I’m sure you’ll find awesome content from their page.
Slox’s CC: click
Such a great selection of furniture. She creates a bit of everything: furniture, floors, walls, clutter.
Sanoysims’s CC: click
This creator has something for every room in the house. I highly suggest checking them out.
ForeverDesigns’s CC: click
The Sims 2 has some amazing custom content. And this creator converts furniture and other objects from TS2 to TS4.
Msteaqueen’s CC: click
This creator has a bit of everything, some furniture, walls, floors, etc. But my favorite thing from this creator is the terrain replacements. They take those default EA textures and replace them with new improved textures. Sand looks like sand and grass looks like grass. Amazing!
Tech-Hippie’s CC: click
OMSP set by Severinka_
When I discovered this OMSP set, I was a changed woman. haha, no, but truly, this mod will help out those who love building and furnishing. It’s like moveobjects cheat on steroids. Placing clutter is so much easier with this mod. It’s basically like an invisible and adjustable “table”. You place your object on it then adjust the height and then move it where you like and then you make it invisible.
OMSP set: click
*There’s also an OMSP Mega Pack by ez2ciamaprincess but I haven’t tested this one out yet. But feel free to do that on your own. OMSP Mega Pack: click
OMSP shelf by amoebae
The same idea as the one with Severinka but this one is adjustable with the alt button. So you can be even more accurate. Sadly, this won’t work with tables in the middle of a room. Because it’s a shelf , the object you want to clutter must be near a wall.
OMSP shelf: click
T.O.O.L. by TwistedMexi
This mod Takes Objects Off Lot. This and gives you 100% control over the objects position and rotation, on or off the lot.
T.O.O.L mod: click
I’m sure there are a ton of amazing creators who are not listed here. So, if you know any other creators who should be in this list, let me know so I can include them.